Beach Builders Home Hardware donates $35,000 to twin-pad arena and library project.
George volunteers for the Wasaga Beach Rotary Club.
George was instrumental in developing the Little Free Library project locally
George has been a Wasaga Beach Rotary member since 1986.
Lynne Leitch Memorial Golf Tourney
Congratulations to Steve and Donna Langman of Wasaga Beach Adventure Park. Happy 30th Anniversary!
George and Sylvia at Metamorphosis Centre For Change 1 Year Anniversary
George’s donation to the Dunsmore Natural Area
George at the Spring Tonic Festival
George at the official tour of Wasaga Beach’s Playtime Casino
George Watson At Customer Appreciation Day At Beach Builders Home Hardware
Rotary Foundation International Dedicated To Doing Good Together
George volunteering at the food bank.
George Watson As A Boy in Wasaga Beach
Meet and Greet With Residents Muncipal Election 2022
George with Collingwood Town Councillor Steve Berman At The First Annual Pride Parade
Deputy Mayor Sylvia Bray and myself had the honour to attend the Civic Prayer Breakfast of South Georgian Bay.
I am so proud of our Wasaga Beach Rotary Club and their generous donation to our new Twin-Pad Arena and Library.
George joined approximately 40 students from St. Noel Chabanel Catholic Elementary school in Wasaga Beach along with Sarah Campbell, an Aquatic Biologist from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, in a ” hands on” planting and educational session.
Congratulating Debbie Patterson and daughter, Haley, who attended the Rotary Club of Wasaga Beach meeting and accepted a donation of $8,000 for the Living Wish Foundation in honour of Cal Patterson.
George joined fellow Wasaga Beach Rotarians and the Wasaga Beach Climate Action Team for a tree and rain barrel sale at the Rec Plex.
Wasaga Beach Youth Centre 11th Anniversary
Booster Juice Grand Opening
The Rotary Club of Wasaga Beach Paul Harris Award Winner Craig Williams, Wasaga Beach’s Deputy Fire Chief
The Rotary Club of Wasaga Beach Paul Harris Award Winner, Reverend Wendy Moore
Wasaga Beach Rotary Club Cheque To Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre
George Watson and the Wasaga Beach Wintario Committee
As a sign of support for the people of Ukraine, members of council raised the Ukrainian flag at town hall.
George cleaning up the beach with the Rotary Club of Wasaga Beach and Georgian Bay Forever
Happy to represent our MP Terry Dowdall at the Collingwood Collegiate 2022 grad ceremony and presented Isobel Houston with the Youth Award.
Wasaga Beach Town Council Meets With The Minister of Education To Discuss The Progress of a High School
Town of Wasaga Beach Council Breaking Ground At New Twin Pad Arena and Library Site
Murals at Skateboard Park in Wasaga Beach
George at the Opening Ceremony of the Wasaga Beach Farmers Market
The Patterson family makes twin-pad arena and library donation in memory of former mayor of Wasaga Beach, Cal Patterson.
George Watson with Mayor of Collingwood Keith Hull At The First Annual Pride Parade
On-going support to Rotary here and abroad.
George Watson and Bev Fowler at the Farmers Market on July 5th 2022
Simcoe Grey PC Party AGM 2022
Official Tour of Wasaga Beach’s Playtime Casino
George Watson pictured with his wife, Patrice, at the Wasaga Cruisers Car Show
The Weiss Family with strong ties to the community has given $15,000 to the twin-pad arena and library project.
Rotary Club Outdoor Social BBQ
George Watson at Annual General and Marine Golf Classic Tournament with Terry Dowdall, MPP
George awarding the Best in Show trophy at the F-150 Truck Festival to the gentleman on the left of the picture
George’s First Campaign Picture in 1973
Paying respects to Veterans on Remebrance Day
Robert and Sandy Litz donate $10,000 to the twin-pad arena and library fundraising campaign.
Members of Council at New Mural in Wasaga Beach
Wasaga Beach Corvette Club Spring Fling Event
Another donation for the Twin-Pad Arena and Library
General Richard Rohmer and George Watson At CARP Meeting
Volunteers BBQ PC Simcoe Grey Riding Association with MPP Brian Saunderson
Royal LePage 37th Annual WinterBlast Fundraiser at Craigleith Ski Club. George and Desmond Von Teichman support Campbell House of Hospice Georgian Bay raising thousands of dollars in funds over 37 years.
George is Past President and current member of the Simcoe-Grey Federal Riding Association- Terry Dowdall MP
George attended the F150 Truck Festival in Wasaga Beach
Congratulations to Beach Babes Beauty Bar on its grand opening! Mayor Nina Bifolchi and members of council were on hand for the occasion.
Helping with the Easter Hampers at the food bank. Many hands make light work
Habitat For Humanity Affordable Housing sod turning event for the newest build in Stayner.
George at The Collingwood Pride Parade July 2022
George and his wife, Patrish, at the Hospice Georgian Triangle 2022 Gala
MP Terry Dowdall Presents Plaque To Habitat For Humanity at Affordable Housing Event
Wasaga Beach Town Council Meets With Minister of Environment, Conservation, and Parks to discuss the Ontario Parks Master Plan, garbage clean up concerns as expressed by our residents, and joint Marketing opportunities for both the Provincial Park and the Municipality
Congratulations To Our New MPP, Brian Saunderson
Marlwood meet and greet for the upcoming election.
12th Annual Trees Canada Planting Day Sponsored By Beach Builders Home Hardware
Wasaga Beach Rotary Club Cheque To My Friends House
George Watson with Deputy Mayor of Collingwood Marian McLeod At The First Annual Pride Parade
St Noel Chabanel Catholic Elementary School 2022 Graduating Class
The Wasaga Beach Rotary Club and the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) and Ontario Parks participating in a tree planting event. Rotary presented a cheque to the NVCA for $6000 and this helped to plant 600 trees as a restoration project.
Annual Association of Muncipalities of Ontario Conference in Ottawa With Members of Wasaga Beach Town Council In Attendance
The Wasaga Beach Garden Club’s 25th Anniversary