News & Updates
Stay InformedWhen a new Council takes office, one of the first decisions to be made is to map out a list of priorities and goals for that term of Council. This is done in a workshop session with both Council and senior staff. Typically the platforms of the successful candidates are listed along with the needs and wants of staff to form the final document. Duplication of ideas are weeded out and ideas are distilled down to approximately 10 to 12 goals.
This current term of Council has been successful in obtaining all of our priorities and goals and the following link with a Community Update will illustrate what the goals were and how we met and surpassed them:
I look forward to setting new goals for our Community during the next term of Council with emphasis on the Climate, Attainable/Workforce Housing, Investment and Jobs, as well as Traffic Calming in our residential neighbourhoods, and working with the developer of our Waterfront to create a Masterpiece for our residents and visitors alike.
I ask for your vote to elect George Watson as your Councillor.